1000 oil paintings in 50 years




NEVER BORED NFT collection by 113kw and Dr. Lemny, is inspired by the exceptional success of Bored Apes Yacht Club collection. Even tho, we have witnessed the birth of BAYC legendary project, we are currently only proud owners of APE coin. We are excited by what BAYC collection means for the whole NFT community, and the success inspired us to spring BAYC phenomenon with artistry and individuality. We are bringing you the possibility to own your own exclusive individualy customized BAYC derivative* . NEVER BORED NFTs are minted with manifold smart contract, on ethereum blockchain, and are on sale on opensea, rarible and looksrare. Part of the revenue will be donated to help czech volunteer organization helping refugees and people suffering in Ukraine.

Never Bored NFT consists of two collections. First collection NEVER BORED PASS, consists of 23 passes, that grants their owners creation of their own individualized ape.

You can purchase this token and than fill in form below, for ordering your customized ape. There will only ever be 23 exclusive individualy customized apes + apes of founders, + limited crypto legends apes. Each token grants you to be used for one personalized ape. Personalized ape will have the same number as the token from which she was created.

Founders 113kw (audiovisual, 3D artist, metaverse architect) + Dr. Lemny (graphic art artist, comunity builder and mental health proffesional) are often possible to be catched in audio chats.

* (created with this token)

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