113kw (37 years old woman, working since 2005) is accepting BTC, ETH, APE COIN, ENS TOKEN, SAND TOKEN, MANA TOKEN, RARI, USDT, DAI, SOL. Any amount is greatly appretiated, because Kristina lives in Eastern Europe, dollar has different value there. If you wish to talk regards how I am using your donations pls contact me in DMs on Twitter. 113kw is looking thru DMs regularly, but not daily.
Dr. Lemny is accepting .
Magdalena Cubrova (70 years old woman, working since 1975) is accepting BTC, ETH, APE COIN, ENS TOKEN, USDT, DAI. Any amount is greatly appretiated, because Magdalena lives in Eastern Europe, dollar has different value there. 113kw is looking thru DMs If you wish to talk regards how she is using your donations, pls contact in DMs on Twitter. Magdalena is looking thru DMs regularly, but not daily.
Empower WOMEN IN NFTs by direct donating in crypto.
113kw (37 years old woman, working since 2005) is accepting BTC, ETH, APE COIN, ENS TOKEN, SAND TOKEN, MANA TOKEN, RARI, USDT, DAI, SOL. Any amount is greatly appretiated, because Kristina lives in Eastern Europe, dollar has different value there. If you wish to talk regards how I am using your donations pls contact me in DMs on Twitter. 113kw is looking thru DMs regularly, but not daily.
Dr. Lemny is accepting .
Magdalena Cubrova (70 years old woman, working since 1975) is accepting BTC, ETH, APE COIN, ENS TOKEN, USDT, DAI. Any amount is greatly appretiated, because Magdalena lives in Eastern Europe, dollar has different value there. 113kw is looking thru DMs If you wish to talk regards how she is using your donations, pls contact in DMs on Twitter. Magdalena is looking thru DMs regularly, but not daily.